The Art of Healthy Living - The True Meaning of the Art of Healthy Living

Posted by srewah

The Art Of Healthy Living is a term that is thrown around very loosely. Most of the time people think it is a "cool" expression or they just need something catchy to put on their site but that's not what this phrase is about. The Art Of Healthy Living is just that an Art. People never talk about Healthy Living in terms of it being an art form. People see it as something they are obligated to do or something they do to impress people. Some people use Healthy Living as a crutch to prove how self righteous they can be. These are the types that always insist you are unhealthy unless you start eating and living like them. I will do my best to clear up misconceptions about Art and the way of Healthy Living.

What does Art mean to you? You probably had many things pop in your head just there. Before I tell you what art means to me I want you to first empty your cup of tea so that you may taste mine. This an old Zen expression that means to abandon all things you think you know so that you may learn once again. If you were in school and you constantly were trying to outsmart the teacher you would learn absolutely nothing more than you already knew. Your cup would remain full and your drink would go stale. This cup is your mind so before I tell you what art truly means you must first empty your mind of all things you think you know about art.

Art is not something created to be pretty, it is important you understand this concept for it is one of the most important. While a painting or a song can and will often times have much beauty it is not the reason they are created. A flower does not attempt to be beautiful and yet it is. Art is the path of freedom. When you are one with your art, you are free to express yourself. When you become a master of yourself you become a master of all things. Yet mastery is not something to be attained but rather a course or path to become one with. Art is a process and thus the path begins on The Art Of Healthy Living.

The Art Of Healthy Living is something that is deeply personal and cannot be taught. It is not something "learned" nor is their any system or method to follow. There is no specific diet or exercise routine you must follow to be an artist of healthy living. You must learn who you are in the universe and dissolve all ignorance, only then will The Art Of Healthy Living Fully reveal itself to you. Each day is a journey of self discovery. We find something new about ourselves everyday. Those who fail to see this fail to see the ever changing. They have tried to freeze the water of life so that it can no longer flow and all things in their existence become cold and stale.

At The Art Of Healthy Living we present many ways to live healthy from many different points of view. While some of these view points will be of no benefit to you, there will no doubt be another for whom there life was changed because of this view point. Certain ways of living healthy are useful to one and useless to another. When you practice The Art Of Healthy Living you become an artist and like any artist you have your own style of doing things. If you follow the paths of others entirely and do not learn to find the way yourself than you will be forever doomed to not know who you really are. Discover what a healthy life means to you, but take nothing to be an absolute for this is something that can be answered by you and you alone. It cannot be learned from another for they are a just a sign pointing down their path. Your paths may intertwine at some point but there will always be a fork in the road at some point where you must once again ask yourself what it means to live healthy. Some think they practice the Art of Healthy Living by following others path step for step but they don't see that these people they worship and follow had to find their own way. Though they may have followed others for a while they eventually went down a path all their own and found what works best for them.

Artists in all fields should understand what art means especially the practitioner of The Art Of Healthy Living. Learn to live healthy but do not force your methods or systems upon another. Instead present what works for you, giving the pupil a choice. At our site we prevent knowledge that was useful to one which will no doubt be useful to another. We take suggestions from our visitors and we present their ways of living healthy even if it seems foreign to us. Some art is more abstract than others but is still art none the less.

The Art Of Healthy Living is based on the creativity of the individual. This way the individual creates the healthiest lifestyle for him/herself, instead of a healthy lifestyle that suits someone else best but is difficult for you to maintain. Don't feel obligated to live in extremes and excesses. Don't resort to diets and systems that are so strict and rigid that they leave you questioning The Art Of Healthy Living. Nor should you be so undisciplined as to completely deny every facet of Healthy Living. You should find your middle ground and become The Artist Of Healthy Living that you were born to be.

Roses don't bloom from Sunflower Seeds, yet both are beautiful creations when there is no comparison. Discover your roots and reveal the beauty of your blossoming.

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4 Tips on Healthy Living - What You Need to Know to Get Healthy and Stay Healthy!

Posted by srewah

The United States has seen a huge increase in the number of obese people leading to an obesity epidemic. It's so bad that they even had to add a category to the popular BMI system. No longer are the largest people considered morbidly obese they are super obese! Crazy to think that there are people beyond the morbidly obese stage but they do exist and mainly in the United States. Because of our extreme obesity problems pharmaceutical companies are cashing in on "quick fix" diet pills that promise to shed pounds in weeks. Most people can vouch that most of these diet pills are ineffective and a waste of money.

Not only are diet pills in abundance but diet programs as well. There's always a new diet fad that everyone is trying. What people really need is a basic understanding of dieting and weight loss. Follow these 4 tips on healthy living:

Tip #1: Drink More Water

Water is crucial in order to maintain or lose weight. With all of the soda Americans consume, water is getting left out of the picture. Try to substitute your soda drinks for water. It is important to flush out the toxins and junk your body. Healthy living requires keeping your body hydrated and water does just that!

Tip #2: Eat More Often

What? I need to eat more not less? You need to eat more often, say every 3 hours instead of 3 times a day. Yes you need to consume less calories overall but eating more frequently will help increase your metabolism. It allows your body to remain at a healthy state that never goes into starvation mode. Breakfast is crucial for healthy living so don't skip it.

Tip #3: Get to Moving

You need to be more active - move more. Even if your physical condition doesn't allow you to exercise vigorously at least get up and walk or move your arms and legs somehow. Use the stairs when you can, go for a walk on your lunch break, go dancing, play with your kids or pets. You can make movement fun - it doesn't always have to be the dreadful jogging.

Tip #4: Understand Why

Understand why you need to start living healthy. Do you feel tired and groggy often? Do you want to fit into your old clothes? Do you want to live to see your great grandchildren graduate college? Whatever it may be you need to contemplate it on a regular basis. Thinking about the "why" is crucial to keep you motivated with your healthy living goals.

Follow these 4 tips on healthy living and you will definitely notice a difference in the quality of life. It's not hard to live healthy - it just takes dedication and will power! Think about what your goals are and why you need to change. If you are having trouble getting motivated go online and join free weight loss forums. Talk to your peers who are going through the same thing. It always helps to talk to someone who knows what you are going through. The internet is the perfect place for just that! To learn more about healthy living and to receive a free ebook, 177 Ways to Burn Calories visit

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My Sister is Dead Because of Chemo - Brain Cancer Takes Another One

Posted by srewah

Patty Hisle died on June 8th, 1997 from brain cancer just like our father did. Patty's cancer was much more aggressive and in the front of the brain unlike dad's brain cancer that was located in the back of the brain.

Daddy lived for 8 years and through many operations and suffering. Daddy cried often and dad never ever cried, but we later discovered it was the drugs they had him on. They tortured dad with all their pharmaceutical drugs and all their chemotherapy. He promised God to be better and that he would make up for everything bad he did in his life too. So dad set out on a trip to visit his children and tell them he loved them.

Daddy tried and he believed with all his might but in the end after all the chemo was done and after they had reduced him to nothing, they discovered two spots on his lungs. One on each. If he had two spots on one lung he could of lived but both lungs were infected now and so we chose to let him go. It was awful how he lived and worst how he died. Dad's cancer was originally hodgkins disease and spread to the lungs and brain.

Patty always felt unloved by everyone and when she saw how dad suffered, she swore to God that she wanted to die with him. She asked God to give her brain cancer so she could go be with dad and God granted her wish.

Patty was strong and she was alone. Today is her birthday, July 1st, so we want to honor her courage. She was very brave and she never cried. She often called me and would apologize that she was not stronger. Her husband left her, her children abandoned her and she did everything herself.

When the doctors told her that her only chance was chemo, Patty agreed as she wanted to live and take care of her two small children. She believed the doctors could heal her. She became so sick that she could no longer take care of her children or herself and we sent her home to her children in her home state.

They abused her and did not understand that people with brain cancer are angry and yes they are violent at times. She had given up on her recovery and simply waiting for death she ate ice cream daily. Her daughter in law attacked her in the kitchen and refused to let Patty to cook any food as Patty was not able to clean up after herself. She was an invalid and no one to help.

One day there was a confrontation and they had Patty dragged off by the police and locked in a cell. Patty's ex-husband had her released and taken to a county hospital. The pain was so bad that Patty could not think and she acted incredibly insane at times but she was sick and she hurt, but Patty did not cry.

The doctors gave Patty 6 months to live, but Patty was so upset being in a hospital with no one around and no help, that she gave up. She quit eating and 3 days later she died alone in a cold hospital room with no one there.

It is amazing to me to this day how family members can abandon love ones who are sick. I was in another state and did not know what my sister was going through. She was given no phone to call anyone for help. She was dragged to the police in handcuffs and she was denied the common decency of love.

People with brain cancer are sick and it is an awful way to die. Back then I never knew about brain cancer remedies such as the Budwig Flax Seed Diet or the Gerson Juice Cancer diet. I only knew what she knew.

My question comes today that my family could of been saved. 15 people in my family have died from some sort of cancer and all of them chose chemo. I hope that you are smart and don't choose chemo to treat your cancer. I hope that you are not like Patrick Swayze who refused help other than chemo and I hope you will remember my sister on this day as I have.

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More aboutMy Sister is Dead Because of Chemo - Brain Cancer Takes Another One