Eva Mendes- diet has changed my life
Currently the most popular diet in Hollywood celebrities is a diet with five factors,on which because of its simplicity swears celebrities such as Halle Berry, Eva Mendes and Alicia Keys.
Author of 5 Factor Diet Harley Pasternak says, that this is one of the easiest diet, since it can take anywhere and anytime. A diet should be finished with its rapid and permanent results, with success without suffering and with the shot of energy. And what is the best, says Pasternak, is that all dishes can be prepared in just five minutes.
Miraculous five
5 meals, 5 food, 5 exercises and 5 minutes is all you need, "says Pasternak, and adds that everyone should have on hand each day from five different food groups. Protein, carbohydrate, sugar-free drinks, healthy snacks and condiments should be on the menu every day. Among the proteins is particularly recommended egg white, it does not contain many carbohydrates and cholesterol, but is also versatile in use. Pasternak also recommends consumption of white meat without skin, fish, seafood and game. When carbohydrates give priority to legumes, which contain high protein and fiber, do not forget either the cereals, fruits or vegetables.
Simply the best
"Healthy cooking should be easy," is convinced Pasternak. For breakfast recommends cheese cake with broccoli, the hard-boiled egg, tuna salad and turkey sandwich for lunch, afternoon snack with the delicious chicken and cheese, for dinner, however, warm salad of white beans, beets and turkey meat.
Won the celebrities
Above the diet is also impressed by singer Alicia Keys, which it says: "A diet is great, since it is not based on starving, but learn a healthy lifestyle. A sense that would be deprived of food, which I love, I do not have." They impress easily assembled dishes? Each recipe contains pet food, every day is to be made to the five exercises. That diet is not strict, satisfy the rule which says that once a week, violate all the rules and eating the food that they love. This rule is especially liked actress Eva Mendes, who says: "A diet has changed my life. Not only do they now feel better than ever before, but I got rid of the feeling of guilt if afford pizza - because of this I am especially happy. "
Halle Berry-diet with five factors