Food that kills stress

Posted by srewah

Food that kills stress

Food that kills stress
Surely you know from your own experience periods of fatigue, exhaustion or you have ever had the feeling, that you harder think and your memory is locked. Usually this happens to us when we are in stress; the culprit may be the wrong diet.
Against Stress with food
In a period of increased stress, our body draws on reserves of certain vitamins and minerals. Even for people who are eating properly, at the end of hard and stress levels of some vitamins and minerals in the blood and tissues is reduced by up to 33 percent. Long-term deficits that weaken the immune system and opens the door to many diseases, from colds and respiratory diseases to asthma and heart disease, all the way to cancer.
Which substances is needed in periods of stress
Experts recommend that in periods of stress we consumed more magnesium, B vitamins, iron and antioxidants such as vitamins C, E and A. It should not be overtaken of decaffeinated and refined sugar, causing it fast rise and decline of sugar in the blood, which makes our body more vulnerable to shocks. Therefore eat food with fiber (fruits, vegetables, integral cereals and rice) and legumes. In the period of stress during the day you make several small meals, which is better than the usual three.
Valuable mineral in the fight against fatigue
With a sufficient amount of magnesium is easier to cope with stress and everyday stress.
Energy metabolism in the body needs magnesium, so it necessarily needs top-class athletes. This element makes sure that they can not be exhausted quickly. With the increased concentration of magnesium in the blood is our body and brain wakes from apathy.
Coffee drink in small quantities
Caffeine affects the central nervous system, in small quantities we lift mood, increase our focus and concentration in the bulk leads to anguish, agitation, headache, cardiac arrhythmia, raising blood pressure, panic attacks and insomnia. Sufficient for two to three cups of coffee per day, this takes away fatigue and increase mental liveliness. Therefore, the coffee not only helps many of alertness, but also an anti-fatigue, which occurs after heavy meal. Off course is better not to get used to the excessive quantities of coffee.

Food that kills stress