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Food without Calories and Fat
Posted by srewah
Food without Calories and Fat
Food in the service of health
Healthy food that makes us fat
Title of article might sound contradictory; its key message is, that diet food is not necessarily the food without the calories and fat, so that it can not be enjoyed in unlimited quantities and without consequences, which would point to set.
The main principle of any successful diet, a healthy diet also, is adapted to the size of the meal. Even the most healthy, low food may be reared, where we enjoy in excessive quantities.
The confusion is often guilty of advertisements, labels and signs, such as "calories", "low", "skimmed," "without sugar", "no fat", "diet" ... manufacturers such signs indicate products that meet specific standard, which generally means that a minimum prescribed amount of fat, sugar, calories ... This amount is equal to zero, this means that these foods may eat slightly more than those without such a label - and yet this is not always the case, however, because of hamburgers low the sauce does not recommend any recognized dietary regime.
The abundance of prepared products are better faced by individuals who know that in the daily diet should include all foods, regardless of whether they are equipped with one of attractive titles or not. Unplanned and often eating between meals, even if the low food will disturb your nutritional regime, made too many calories and you will reduce the potential for good results.
Food without Calories and Fat