Soybean Negative Impact

More soybean, worse mood
About the negative impact of soybean on the body also reported Japanese scientists. They have found that excessive consumption of soy can have a negative impact on the normal functioning of thyroid, which can lead to problems with obesity; soybean should also affect on the mood. Those who regular enjoy soybeans will have more problems associated with fluctuations in mood; more often would also suffer from fatigue.
Major in vegetarians food
Although soybean was initially applied to the more exotic food, it now can be found everywhere. The defenders of a healthy diet won,soybean is one of the main food of vegetarians, soybean meal we can get in restaurants, but it also contains the number of prepared meals, especially those labeled as healthy foods. Did you know that that 60 percent of all the foods we can get on the shelves, contains extracts of soybeans? This has long been known as super-healthy food for women, since it would facilitate the ailments of menopause, strengthen bones, and to assist in preventing the occurrence of certain cancers.
Soybean Negative Impact