Eating disorders are nothing but the psychological illness that results in severe physical effects too. If the eating disorders are not attended properly, can lead to the serious effects on the lives of the person and can be life threatening. Eating disorders involve anxiety with weight and food as the cause but the behavior and consequences differ in all the cases because of the difference in disorders. A person can also move between the various eating disorders as the person suffering the problem of anorexia can develop the problem of bulimia.
Eating Disorders

Anorexia is usually related to the restriction of the intake of the food which causes the person to lose a lot of weight loss. Even with low weight, the anorexic considers him/her as the overweight and restrict their intake of the food. The person wishes to maintain the low weight by misusing laxatives, excessive exercising and vomiting. Bulimia starts with the restricted diet results in urge to binge and is related with uncontrollable feelings with the food. The person suffering bulimia misuse diuretics, vomiting or induce in vomiting for compensating the binge. This often leads to the fluctuations in the weight of the person.
Eating Disorders

These eating disorders are usually noticed among the teens and parents can really support their kids in case their child is suffering from it. Confidence and love can really help in recovery of the child from these disorders. The family support is most important in encouraging and convincing the child about his looks and diet. The child can really live a healthy life with a little help from the parents.