Fast Food-bad for the health

Posted by srewah

Fast Food-bad for the health

Fast food industry has now reached the astonishing heights, and has started using every possible chemical that is not illegal in order to make people addicted to their food. You would have felt sometimes that when you eat fast food for a particular period of time and then stop you will start facing the withdrawal symptoms, it acts like a drug. The preservatives used in these harmful fast foods are so high that the product doesn’t even break down. The overload of chemicals and additives in the fast food will make you experience several problems like bloating, heaviness, discomfort, mild headache, grogginess, excessive thirst, and many of the digestive disturbances in your stomach.

Eating fast food creates the most common problem of obesity which can further result into the problems like arthritis, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease, breast cancer, asthma, diabetes and strokes which can be really dangerous for your life. The growth in this fast food industry has played a vital role making people plagued with obesity. These days you can find fast food everywhere in big cities, small towns, shopping malls, schools, airport, bus stands, and even in the hospitals.

Fast Food-bad for the health

With the intake of more food that is not nutritious the exposure to different types of diseases has increased. Most of the harmful fast food products have high amounts of fat, high amounts of sugar; they are even high in calories, high in starch, high in salt, but low in fiber and nutrients which is very bad for the health of the people.

Fast Food-bad for the health