Being Diagnosed With MS and How I Recovered

Posted by srewah

Multiple Sclerosis is a debilitating and crippling disease and it is an auto immune disease. It robs you of life and it steals your very breath. It can cripple you to the point of not being in a wheel chair, but to the point of not knowing where you are. It robs you of your life, your mobility and it breaks many families up. It is a disease of the central nervous center and it stops the brain from being able to communicate with the spinal cord. Its many symptoms includes:

- Blurred vision, flashing lights

- muscle weakness

- slurred speech

- Partial numbness, face pain

- Loss of coordination

- shaking or tremors

- bowel problems

- memory problems

These are not all but the main ones. It is scary and it is frightening and it is alarming. I healed myself naturally without any medicine of any kind. I was saved by my lord, who took mercy on me so I could tell others. He blessed me and he will bless you too.

25 years ago I was diagnosed with Epstein Barr Virus, an incurable disease. It was very life threatening at the time as you become severely depressed and suicidal tendencies come to your mind. You are so intensely fatigued, that you cannot get out of bed and the nausea is the worse. But thanks to God, he helped me and I survived. I felt like I was a success story indeed.

So one day when watching TV, I saw a doctor saying anyone with EBV (Epstein Barr Virus) for more than 15 years had a huge chance of getting both cancer and MS, I was shocked. I started to do research and sure enough he was one hundred percent correct. From that point on I went on a drastic diet and lost 21 kilos. I was determined to save my life as everyone on my father's side died of cancer.
I reduced all my BMI to the healthy range. I reduced all my blood test, cholesterol, triglycerides, etc. My blood pressure was low and so was my sugar count. I had a perfect heart and blue eyes, so I was in great shape.

I did everything right. I did juices and follow the Budwig plan of yogurt and flax seeds also and cut out all the wrong fats and the ultimate ice cream. Then one day I got diagnosed with MS. Well how was that possible, I was in great health? It takes more than just diet, it takes a whole lot more. So, I spent the next few weeks trying to find a cure for MS. For Allah sends a cure with every disease. But in order to find the cure you have to have faith that Allah or God will give you the cure. So I could talk all night about the many diets I tried and the many supplements I experimented with but I think the best way is to tell you exactly what worked.

I tried to think tonight about why I am saved and it all comes back to my faith. Allah saved me for a special reason, I am not for sure why but he surely did and I am so thankful. I use to pray every night for help. I asked Allah over and over again to cure me and he did.

My story is very sad and for sure I do not want pity. I am just telling you what happened. I live alone in Jordan so when I got sick no one was here to help me. I struggled all alone but I was patient and felt all along I would be saved. I could not talk, I could not think, I could not walk hardly. So people came over and said "Tish, Tish, Tish. " What are they doing I thought? I would forget to turn the water off for over an hour, and I could not remember where I was and what I was doing.

I would go off and leave money and just terrible things. In my mind I was good, but when I talked I was not. People pitied me and it was terrible. I did not want any pity from anyone, I wanted to be well. So I had to quit working and just get well. Then I got diagnosed with early onset dementia. I thought, what? You got to be kidding. I am not that old. The doc tells me that it was either Parkinson or Alzheimer's. I said wait, I have MS and Parkinson or Alzheimer's. This has to be wrong.

They did a cat scan and wallah, I was indeed sick. Okay, now I had to really make war. If any of you are going through what I went through, then know that it is war, not a play game. You have to be dead serious about this and attack this like you would any enemy.

So no matter what I tried I always came back to Budwig. I left it a couple of times but my body felt bad. As you read a lot of diets about giving up dairy. I can't live without Budwig.

These are the things that worked for me. And as you will see they are very inexpensive things.

1. Budwig kousimine diet. Which is 1/2 cup of drained yogurt, juice of 1/2 lemon, 2 T. of raisin granola, 1.5 T. of ground flax seeds, 1/4 t. of cayenne, 1/2 t. of pollen, 1 crushed banana, 1 additional fruit. This once a day.
2. Budwig regular with 1/4 cup of drained yogurt with 1.5 T. of flax seed, 1/4 t. cayenne. This once a day.
3. Lots of juice, at least one large veggie juice and 1 large fruit juice per day
4. One cooked meal a day only. Like a large salad topped with beans.
5. No meats of any kind and no fish.
6. Turkey added after one month.
7. I made my own bread with baking powder, yogurt and olive oil and a mixture of grains. 1/2 whole wheat and 1/2 brown flour.
8. I limit the cheese to goat cheese and Parmesan cheese only.
9. I did have eggs sparingly.
10. lots of soups
11. Almond milk exchanged for milk
12. I loved green smoothies and top them with flax seed.

I cannot live without lecithin. It is a real must
1 take 1 capsule of kelp, 2 capsules of grape seeds, 2 capsule of turmeric, 2 capsules of ginger, 1 capsule of fennel, 3 capsules of olive leaf, 2000 mg of Vitamin C, Merck B complex. I take 2 b12 injections a month. (as my b12 is very high from the flax), ginkgo I used but found it did not help that much.

When my brain was real bad I used this elixir.
1/2 cup of yogurt,
1/2 cup of water
1 T. of olive oil
2 figs
1 sprig of rosemary. Put all in cup in refrigerator and the next day put in blender and mix well and drink.


I got rid of toxic relationships
I tolerated the less fortunate
I did as many good deeds as I could
I prayed more and read more of my Quran.
I did EFT (Emotional freedom technique) but not as much as I should.
I learned to do what pleases me and to always think good of others
I apologized even when I was not at fault just to feel good at the end of the day.

At times I was explosive and it helped me. We need to let off steam and I found quickly who was my friend and who was not. My friends understood I was sick and it was part of the healing so they were patient. If someone is your friend they are with you thick and thin. Anyone who abandons you is not your friend and I don't need them in my life. It took me a long time to realize that one.

I invested in a real good juicer, blender and I got rid of all gas appliances and heating out of my house. Yes, that is right I live in an all electric home. It is expensive but it is mandatory for someone who wants to get well. I also got rid of all aluminum cooking ware. I also do not eat anything in a can. I make everything fresh. Everything is homemade or I don't eat it. It is a rough lifestyle and expensive at times but I am a survivor.

I did many herbal parasite cleansing and the best is the pumpkin cleanse. I juiced an entire pumpkin and drank the juice in a small amount of time. Some called it sadistic but it works. I took many other remedies including pineapple and papaya and found the pumpkin the best.

I cleaned my colon 3 times, from using Dr. Schultz to the 3 day watermelon cleanse. I did a 4 day pumpkin and pineapple cleanse but it was not as successful as the
watermelon cleans. I did 3 liver cleanses too. So you can see this protocol included many facets. Your body cannot be clean unless you clean the colon and a sure fire way to keep the colon clean is with juices. Meats and rices plug up your colon with toxic materials and you will remain sick.

I have to admit maybe I was blessed more than most and maybe Allah sent a cure to me because I am alone and worked so hard to be well. Not everyone agrees, but Allah knew my heart was there. I was so trying hard to please God, so he would want to please me and he did. So where is my cure, in Allah's hands. I give all credit to him and I want to thank all those who helped me along the way. I will never forget the kindness of many and the many letters I received from many well wishers. It meant so much to me and kept me strong. Is my battle over, no way. I must keep fighting my whole life to make sure I stay well but I am up for the battle.

What has changed with me? First I can climb mountains now. Before I was so out of breath and could not climb a simple hill and now I can walk all the way up without stopping. I am more calm, well most days. I take things in better strive, My complexion is in good shape, My bones are stronger than ever, I don't have any pains and I feel happy. It is amazing what happiness can do for you. I spend my nights writing to who I can trying to help who I can. In other words pay it forward. I am not sure if I covered everything but I think so.

The simple approach is better. You don't need to spend an arm and a leg on the protocol but you do have to have your mind in the right place. You have to believe with all of your heart and to have faith. You have to keep your environment clean, as your body and you have to get rid of all gas out of your home. Okay, maybe that is the expensive part. I sold all of mine and I used the money to replace my heaters with. I have investigated about the cooking part and the over all consensus is number one, people with brain disorders should not be cooking anyway so I opted to buy a two place hot plate and I am happy with that. Many doctors have stated that if you are not willing to get rid of the gas, you will not get better. Immediately, I removed them and I got well.

How long did this all take? Only a few months. People are astonished at how quickly I recovered. Today I visited my friend and she was flabbergasted at how much I had improved. She told me you are cured, she was right I am cured! What a beautiful sound to hear that you are cured and you can think and you can write. Through my sickness, I found a cure and through that cure I opened 4 forums to tell others about this miracle. Sometimes bad things bring good blessings. Have faith in your lord and pray for a miracle and he will give you one, believe me I know.