Toe nail fungus is more common, than you think and it is easy to get. As the fungus grows in the dark, damp places, such as your finger nails and your toes. Toe fungus is a living organism and some of the symptoms are yellow nails, thicken nails, and blackened nails. Some of the other names of this disease, are onychomycosis of the nail plate and tinea of the nails. If the nail is not treated for the fungus, it only can get worse and becomes harder to treat. Toe nail fungus is a painful and unsightly problem.
In order to understand fully toe nail fungus, you must first look at the pictures of the different types of fungus: ictures_photos.htm
Like Cancers, fungus has many types and many cures. Not every cure is for every person. In some cases, alternative cures will not work and should not be tried. Some cases are very serious and should be seen by a doctor. Always, use the approach of caution with any treatment. If the alternative does not show signs of improvement, you should look for a new approach or talk with your doctor.
Before you start any alternative treatment, you must file the nail down, so the treatment can reach the nail base. Keep in mind that cleanliness is very important. So always keep all instruments sterilized. Here are a few of my favorite remedies:
1. A young girl of 9 years old had nail fungus for over 5 years and she could not get rid of the fungus. Within 2 days of using this alternative treatment her fungus disappeared. Take one cap of raw apple vinegar and dilute it with 10 caps of water. Soak the nails in this solution for half an hour. After the soaking, do not dry the nails. Now mix 1 cap of oregano oil and dilute it with 20 caps of water. Brush each nail with this solution and let the nails air dry. This treatment should be done twice a day.
2. Oregano oil and olive oil. Mix 4 drops of oregano oil, with 2 teaspoons of cold pressed olive oil. Brush the nails lightly, with this mixture and allow to air dry.
3. Hydrogen peroxide. Brush the nails, with hydrogen peroxide and then pour some alcohol over the nails and let air dry.
4. White Iodine. Just paint the iodine on the toe nail. It works wonders. Also, you can put vinegar on the nails, in the morning and then iodine in the evening, as an alternative treatment.
5. Lemon grass essential oils. Brush on the nail. Tea Tree oil, can be added and then brushed on the nail.
6. Listerine. Soak a cotton ball in Listerine and rub on the nails. Do this 5 times a day. The nail fungus will leave in 2-3 days.
7. Honey. A great remedy that works. Also, you can alternate garlic one day and honey the next day. Both remedies work.
8. Tea tree oil and lavender oil. Brush on the nail 2-3 times a day.
Treatment for people with toe nail fungus:
- Dry your feet , well after going to local pools.
- Use a hair dryer to keep your nail dried at all times
- No not manicure the nails or use nail polish.
- Microwave or heat your shoes and socks.
- Do not share towels in your home or out
Hopefully these remedies will work for you and you can have your fungus cured immediately. A diet for fungus is the same diet for Candida. A diet for Candida includes no sugars, no more than a few pieces of fruit per day and the elimination of all night shade vegetables (potatoes, tomatoes and green peppers). Once you change your diet and do these remedies, you will be on the road to health.
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