Patty Hisle died on June 8th, 1997 from brain cancer just like our father did. Patty's cancer was much more aggressive and in the front of the brain unlike dad's brain cancer that was located in the back of the brain.
Daddy lived for 8 years and through many operations and suffering. Daddy cried often and dad never ever cried, but we later discovered it was the drugs they had him on. They tortured dad with all their pharmaceutical drugs and all their chemotherapy. He promised God to be better and that he would make up for everything bad he did in his life too. So dad set out on a trip to visit his children and tell them he loved them.
Daddy tried and he believed with all his might but in the end after all the chemo was done and after they had reduced him to nothing, they discovered two spots on his lungs. One on each. If he had two spots on one lung he could of lived but both lungs were infected now and so we chose to let him go. It was awful how he lived and worst how he died. Dad's cancer was originally hodgkins disease and spread to the lungs and brain.
Patty always felt unloved by everyone and when she saw how dad suffered, she swore to God that she wanted to die with him. She asked God to give her brain cancer so she could go be with dad and God granted her wish.
Patty was strong and she was alone. Today is her birthday, July 1st, so we want to honor her courage. She was very brave and she never cried. She often called me and would apologize that she was not stronger. Her husband left her, her children abandoned her and she did everything herself.
When the doctors told her that her only chance was chemo, Patty agreed as she wanted to live and take care of her two small children. She believed the doctors could heal her. She became so sick that she could no longer take care of her children or herself and we sent her home to her children in her home state.
They abused her and did not understand that people with brain cancer are angry and yes they are violent at times. She had given up on her recovery and simply waiting for death she ate ice cream daily. Her daughter in law attacked her in the kitchen and refused to let Patty to cook any food as Patty was not able to clean up after herself. She was an invalid and no one to help.
One day there was a confrontation and they had Patty dragged off by the police and locked in a cell. Patty's ex-husband had her released and taken to a county hospital. The pain was so bad that Patty could not think and she acted incredibly insane at times but she was sick and she hurt, but Patty did not cry.
The doctors gave Patty 6 months to live, but Patty was so upset being in a hospital with no one around and no help, that she gave up. She quit eating and 3 days later she died alone in a cold hospital room with no one there.
It is amazing to me to this day how family members can abandon love ones who are sick. I was in another state and did not know what my sister was going through. She was given no phone to call anyone for help. She was dragged to the police in handcuffs and she was denied the common decency of love.
People with brain cancer are sick and it is an awful way to die. Back then I never knew about brain cancer remedies such as the Budwig Flax Seed Diet or the Gerson Juice Cancer diet. I only knew what she knew.
My question comes today that my family could of been saved. 15 people in my family have died from some sort of cancer and all of them chose chemo. I hope that you are smart and don't choose chemo to treat your cancer. I hope that you are not like Patrick Swayze who refused help other than chemo and I hope you will remember my sister on this day as I have.
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