Quickie Oatmeal Protein Cake: Seconds to make, 2 minutes in microwave, no clean up! Each 205 calories, 0 g cholesterol, 23 g carbs (from the oatmeal), & 17 g protein (3/8 daily protein requirement, which is 45 grams.)
½ cup quick cook oatmeal
1 slightly mounded scoop Soy Protein Powder
1 tbsp Splenda
1/3 cup plus 3 tablespoons water
Super-Health Food
Spray inside of Pyrex measuring cup. Combine all ingredients in the cup, gently push down to avoid air pockets at bottom, microwave 2 minutes, cool a bit, & pop out or ease out with a knife.That's all. You can also place one of those pleated paper cupcake holders inside the cup, & spray the paper thingie instead. It shouldn't be necessary, though; the point here is speed & ease.