That fast food is harmful, we all know, but why is it then so difficult to resist? Is it all lies in the taste, or become dependent on it? Learn how harmful it is fast food!
Filled only for a short time
It does not matter how old you are, the effect of fast food on the body is the same. This in itself means a diet is detrimental to health, but most often is composed of fats, sugars, salt and food additives, healthy nutrients, however, it is often only for the sample. While it contains many calories, this food does not provide sufficient energy to our body, it is still such a great meal often filled only for a short time.
Golden Cave of cholesterol
Those who enjoy fast food regularly, often have problems with increased cholesterol, heart failure, liver; unhealthy diet is often the culprit for the fatigue.
Harmful Fast Food
Fast food must be prohibited for children
Although the biggest fans of fast food are children, and consumption of such food, is particular threat to their health. Not only in America, even in other countries are more and more overweight children and adolescents, but the cause behind it in the diet - fat, sugars and salt is a substance which the body does not use and do not need, but it accumulates in the fat pads. More and more children and adolescents suffer as a result of diabetes and high blood pressure (mainly due to increased levels of sodium). Scientists have linked the consumption of fast food even with the occurrence of asthma. It was found that children who at least once a week eat a hamburger, have breathing problems and the 75 percent the incidence of asthma.
Prohibited is sweeter
As always, there is also prohibited sweeter. Ice cream, milk chocolate, hamburgers, fries, pizza, sweet carbonated drinks and ready sheik is what attracts us most, but is also a threat to our health. In addition to the physical health of such foods have negative consequences on our mental well-being - those who love fast food often suffer from mood swings and depression.
Harmful Fast Food
The rapid effect
Harmfulness of fast food wanted to prove the Swedish scientists, who have focused primarily on how fast the implications on body have food in fast food restaurants. The study included 18 healthy student volunteers, who have one month at least twice a day eating in the fast-food restaurants, but they gave up the exercise. And the results? Students were obtained from five to 15 percent of their body weight - on average they were more difficult to seven kilograms, the volume of the abdomen was increased by five centimeters, the proportion of body fat grows by 3.7 percent.