Wine and the Risk of Cancer
Scientists have found, that the risk of developing cancer increases have half a glass of wine a day. The survey, conducted by the National Institute for cancer research in Paris, showed that one unit of alcohol per day, equivalent to half the 175 ml glass of wine, increase the risk of cancer of the gut to nine percent, the risk of developing cancer of the mouth or at the throat, however, that the 168 percent.
Small amounts of alcohol are very damaging, pointed Chairman of the Institute. Nothing, even the small amount of alcohol is not good for health, he added.
Results from studies have confirmed earlier research that argued that alcohol increases the risk of certain cancers. One of the most extensive researches in this field was carried out by the Global Fund for Research on Cancer; it is found that alcohol increases the risk of developing cancer of the mouth, throat, intestines, liver and breast.
Wine and the Risk of Cancer