Diet Food-Menu for Nice Skin

Posted by srewah

Diet Food-Menu for Nice Skin

Menu for nice skin
If you want shiny and youthful skin without the lips, in addition to basic care is also to ensure proper nutrition. Eat fruit, vegetables, fish, cheese and meat, and make sure for the health of your skin.
Collagen, which is in the skin, is responsible for its strength and flexibility, but unfortunately, its production through the years is less visible. To avoid the occurrence of loose skin and prevent the early emergence of lips, it is important what you eat. The youthful appearance of skin diversify the menu with the following foods:
Dark fruit
The aging of the skin will slow down the most effective fruit, rich with vitamin C and other antioxidants. Enjoy blueberries, strawberries, cherries, red oranges, raspberries and plums.
Mussels, sardines, and sunflower seeds
Listed food take care about skin, since they are a rich source of essential fatty acids. These acids are integral parts of each body cell, but give your skin healthy and youthful appearance.
White turnips, kale and dandelion
Stimulate the liver and the body cleansed of toxins, heavy metals and fats. The result is a tough skin, full of sparkle.
Meat, cheese and lentils
The process of aging of the skin you can also slow down with the proteins. Eat meat, cheese and lentils, and make sure the ongoing reconstruction of body cells.

Diet Food-Menu for Nice Skin