Foods that Fight Depression

Posted by srewah

As we get up in the morning trying to find the energy just to breathe, that bout of depression hits us again. There is absolutely no reason to be depressed, but we are. So we run to the kitchen and look for food to end our depression and the foods we choose can either make or break us. Most people run for the sweet things to appease their mind to end the pain, but that will only increase their depression. Which foods really make a difference? Read on and see.

Close to 19 million people suffer with depression in America and according to the National Institute of Mental Health, Omega 3 foods took at least 30 days to kick in. What did work was foods containing Uridine. Omega 3 fats come from Salmon, herring fish, walnuts and flax seeds. Uridine foods come from sugar beets and beet molasses.

The other things that is very good for depression is sunflower seeds. They are the sun's best friend and have been proven to decrease depression. The sun's photons are stored in the DNA of the sunflower seeds, in turn that resonates to the human cells. It is not only good for the brain, but also the body.

A natural granola recipe

4 cups of oats
2 cups of buckwheat oats
2 cups of shelled sunflower seeds
2 cups of raisins
1/3 cup of olive oil or vegetable oil
2 cups of sesame seeds
1/2 cup of maple syrup or honey
2 teaspoons of vanilla
1/2 cinnamon
1/2 cup of fresh orange juice

Place all the ingredients in a well greased pan except for the raisins. Bake in a medium oven until browned and remove and add the raisins. Return to the oven with the raisins and cook for ten minutes more.

If the granola doesn't work, then try some chocolate to increase the endorphins levels of the brain. Now, you are talking. Make sure the chocolate is dark chocolate with at-least 70 percent cocoa.

Not into chocolate, then try some oregano. A natural anti-depressant and good for the entire body.

A good smoothie is carrot, spinach and watercress. Add some flax seeds and you have got a anti-depressant smoothie

Depressed and want to eat like the monkeys. Eat a few bananas and you will be swinging from the trees. Bananas work wonders.
Bananas contain serotonin and norepinephrine.

Natural remedies for depression are ginger and black seed or Nigella Sativa. You can take some fresh ginger and pound it in a mortar and add some ground black seeds and eat this potion and it will immediately relieve depression and relax you.

A nice brewed cup of anise and mint, is another relaxing solution. Warning: do not buy anise tea, as many have toxic chemicals in them. Buy the seeds and brew the whole seeds with a few mint leaves.

Brew yourself a nice cup of chamomile tea and go sit in the bathtub sipping this calming wonder. It will relax you too much.

Societies who eat lots of fish have a lower rate of depression. The Japanese, who eat a lot of fish also value the old and they actually fight to see who gets to take care of their parents and grandparents. I wonder if this is not the secret to little or no depression, more than the fish. The elderly get depressed and lonely as they raised their children. Sometimes a couple is together for the children and when the children are gone, there is nothing less to the marriage. Finding happiness, looking for the esctasy they had when they are young would make the best of us depressed. Foods that fight depression are simple and easy and with a few changes in our lifestyle and diet, hopefully we will all be a little less depressed.