Self-care doesn’t mean rejecting medicine. Working effectively with health professionals can make all the difference in getting well.
Good doctors or nurses will share with us what they know,. Medical tests can help us understand what is happening and monitor out progress. We nearly always need doctors – and often other healers - on our health care team.
However, no chronic condition where medical care can effect a cure all by itself, or where the doctor’s contribution is more important than the patient’s.
Too often expensive and invasive treatments of dubious value distract a patient from self-care measures that could be much helpful.
Coronary artery bypass surgery frequently falls into this category if it takes the place of relaxation, exercise, healthy eating, and social support.
So does indiscriminate used of antidepressants, of they take the place of exercise, positive self-talk and counseling.
In some conditions where causes and treatment are poorly understood such as fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic fatigue and certain autoimmune conditions, the search for currently nonexistent medical answers can delay self-care measures more likely to improve our situation.
Overcoming illness means cooperating with doctors not attacking them. Most are overworked and underappreciated and will welcome sharing responsibility with their patients.
Self management programs have been shown to reduce doctor visits, hospitalizations and medication use, saving resource better used elsewhere.
We don’t do our doctors any favors by giving them too much power. They cannot heal us without out participation, Self care is a winning proposition for everyone need.
Why We need Doctor