What is Veganism?

Posted by srewah

Environmental problems, undepleted uranium, contaminated soils and even drugs in the water systems, these are all worries not just for vegans but for the whole world. As more and more vegans seek to be animal products free, it becomes more difficult to find even organic fruit that was not raised with the use of animal manures.

The old mom and pop way of life is gone and now the farmers are all relying on chemicals and animal by-products. It becomes more and more important for every vegan to have their own organic garden. It is not a maybe anymore but a requirement. When the vegan stands up against animal cruelty and then consumes by products of animal cruelty, what has been accomplished. A simple garden is in order.

Veganism is a way of life, not a religion. It means eating as much organic produce as possible and it means being careful with all you ingest. What better way to go organic than with your own personal garden. Whether it is a patio garden with some local herbs, such as mint, parsley, coriander and watercress or a full fledged garden with every melon and vegetable imaginable, it is all possible. Going raw as much as possible is the key.

Jamie Oliver's show which showcased his own huge back yard garden with his gardener, pushed the world of veganism closer to reality, as we watched how he prepared his foods and how easy they are to grow. Jamie became fatter and more happy and he taught everyone how to prepare many dishes. Our hats off to Jaime on this day.

A vegan lifestyle is more than just recipes and foods, it is a way of life. That life requires that you cannot be cruel to animals. Animal cruelty is the main reason that many vegetarians switch to being vegans. So, the best way to be a vegan is to grow your own food. This way you know exactly what is in the ingredients.

Growing your own garden, can be organic and it can be a lot of fun. Vegans must stay away from all processed foods including dairy and eggs. Many vegans do not realize that processed sugars are off the tables too, so you must either have honey or agave nectar. A good solution is water soaked dates for the sugar. So what exactly can a vegan have to eat? Anything he wants, as long as it is not processed or a animal product.

This leaves the field open for plenty of fruits, vegetables and nuts and seeds. A perfect garden is both organic and varied. You can grow tomatoes, lettuce, spinach, green onions, water cress, basil, mint, green peppers and more. If you look at this list, you will see a salad. There is nothing better than to go outside and pick yourself a fresh green salad. You don't even have to wash the greens, as you know exactly what is on the veggies, nothing.

An organic garden would have no pesticides at all. Most vegans must be aware of their health and protein, so they must substitute with things like beans and flax seeds or chia seeds. A salad topped with some freshly cracked pumpkin and sunflower seeds is marvelous. There can be no cheese, as this is animal products. But what you can have is a huge salad with nuts and seeds topped with pomegranate seeds.

Yes, from your garden. For breakfast you can have a green smoothie from your garden such as:

- 1 cup of spinach
- 1 cup of water
- 2 frozen bananas
- 1 pear
- 1 tablespoon of honey
- 1 ground tablespoon of flax seed and pollen mixed.

Place all the ingredients in a blender and blend for 45 seconds.

An easy breakfast full of vitamins and nutrients. Being vegan is not difficult with the right planning. Having a garden is both fun and relaxing and something you can involve your whole family in. It is not only important for you to be vegan but your children also.